
Rooibos, as it is simply called, is a traditionally South African tea prepared from the leaves of a legume plant found there. The leaves are normally fermented in the preparation, giving it a reddish/brown color and distinctive flavor.

Rooibos has lower tannin levels than tea, no caffeine and is very good for you, with lots of health benefits. Traditional medicinal uses of rooibos in South Africa include alleviating infantile colic, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.

Rooibos is prepared in the same way as black tea - with hot milk, sugar and sometimes spices and flavors. Without any flavoring, rooibos is earthy, with hints of caramel and tobacco.

I was introduced to this alternative to coffee and black tea by a friend and former proprietor of a boutique coffee shop. She sells some 20 or 30 varieties of teas and coffees, including a line of flavored Rooibos. She is putting together a site now -I will share the information here in an update soon.