I suffered from the nastiest head cold for about a week before I woke up one morning, so tired of being sick, that I was determined to do just about anything to cure the stuffy head, crackling ears and sore muscles.
I had a choice - return to the doctor, where I'd surely be getting a steroid shot and probably some more antibiotics, or I could find a way to beat this thing holistically. I opted for the latter and searched Google until I found just what the witch doctor ordered.
I discovered a favorite local spa of mine, Natural Body & Spa, offered a special service specifically for sinus treatment. Their website describes the service as,
"Discover relief from sinus pressure or headaches due to allergies or colds with this therapeutic massage. Lymphatic and pressure-point techniques are combined with an analgesic essential oil blend including eucalyptus, lemon and pine to open and drain blocked passageways. Pairs well with reflexology."
After speaking with their Buckhead location and describing the symptoms of the head cold I had been experiencing, I scheduled an appointment to go there almost immediately. When I arrived, they served me a piping hot cup of peppermint tea and provided me with a comfortable seat while I waited briefly for Nicole, my new favorite massage therapist.
The consultation Nicole provided was text book perfect! She asked me about my symptoms and decided on a treatment that would include reflexology, aromatherapy, lymphatic stimulation and a massage that focused on my upper body.
As I was situating myself on the table, I prepared myself for the treatment by setting my intentions. I decided to focus on my breathing while visualizing myself inhaling the healing energy of touch. On exhale, I concentrated on seeing the toxicity exiting my body.
Over and over throughout the treatment, I repeated to myself, "Breath in the healing, breathe out the sickness."
This hour long experience included more than I could have expected and Nicole's intensity was palpable as she worked to heal me through her touch.
She massaged hot towels into my shoulders and feet and included a combination of deep massage to the stiff areas in my shoulders and a light touch to stimulate my lymphatic system.
The aromatherapy was applied through a mask, pillow-type thing she put across my eyes and nose. It completely opened up my sinuses and I was surprised to find that my breathing was clear throughout the entire treatment. I took the pine and eucalyptus essential oils deeply into my lungs with the help of my concentrated breathing and I could feel it opening up my chest and loosening up all of that crud inside of me.
As Nicole suggested in her discussion with me about after care, the cold did intensify after the treatment. I went home and took the Mustard Seed Bath that she recommended and slept very well that night. The next morning I was coughing and hacking like crazy, but I was relaxed and happy and felt like going to work for the first time in over a week.
For me, this spa treatment was as effective as any antibiotic or steroid shot I could've received, it cost significantly less ($105 including the Mustard Seed Bath) and it was no problem getting an immediate appointment. I would definitely recommend Natural Body for a holistic approach to healing a head cold. You can check them out at: www.naturalbody.com.