Getting Your Sexy Back with a Sacral Chakra Breathing Practice(Pranayama)

Connecting to the Sacral Chakra within ourselves can feel very good. It can bring a feeling of joy and increased satisfaction in personal relationships, as well support us emotionally. 

The Sacral Chakra connects us with creativity, desire, compassion, satisfaction, pleasure and our emotions. It is located in the area of the reproductive organs, at the base of the pubic bone.  Water is associated with this chakra, as well as the color orange. 

Svadhisthana, the Sanskrit name for the Sacral Chakra, is translated as 'one's own abode.'

With a simple breathing exercise (pranayama), you can connect with this built in pleasure center - your own abode. :)
Here's how you do it...

Much love & light,

Close your eyes, take a few deep calming breaths. Allow yourself to become grounded, centered and calm in this space. 

Hold your left thumb to your left nostril, inhaling green healing light into your right nostril. Pull that breath in as deeply as you can- feel it penetrating your cells as it comes into your body. 

Feel it reaching down into your reproductive organs - in the space  between your genitals and your spine.

Now, before exhaling, switch nostrils and close your right nostril with the pinkie & ring finger of your left hand. Exhale, concentrating on this breath, feeling it as a beautiful orange light exiting you. An orange light that fills you with joyful and loving energy. 

Repeat this several more times, alternating nostrils along with their associated colors. 

Let all of your focus be on the breath and their energies running through you like water. - visualize the energetic water flowing through you and healing you. 

When you are done, put your hands down in your lap or in a relaxed way by your sides, taking a few deep full breaths. Bring your awareness back to this place, open your eyes and carry that joyful feeling with you throughout the day. 

Repeat as often as you wanna get your sexy back! :)